This historic winter has left us buried in snow and ice. But that doesn't mean we have to live like a polar bear.  Here are a few tips on how to feel human again and look beautiful even during this record breaking, bitter cold weather.  

TIP #1   EXERCISE:    Studies show that exercise  can boost positive mental energy.  Use that treadmill for walking instead of hanging clothes. Even if your shoulders are sore from shoveling snow 8 feet into the air, stretch and get your body moving. It may look like Siberia out there right now, but spring is around the corner and you want to be ready for those new colorful outfits.

TIP #2  HYDRATE:    The frigid, artic air of winter can reek havoc on your skin and dull your complexion.  So drink lots of water and gently exfoliate your skin daily. If you have trouble with drinking plain water, add lemons.  Lemons are one of natures gentle detoxifiers  and supports enzyme function. It's a vitamin power house and will help to repair cells.  I enjoy a warm glass of water with lemon each day and lemon ginger tea at night.

TIP #3  HAVE YOUR HAIR BLOWN OUT:    Having your hair washed, conditioned and styled by a professional will make you look and feel renewed. Usually a professional blowout will last a few days, so you won't have to wash and blow dry your already dry hair over and over again.  The cold winter air sucks the moisture right out of your hair as well as your skin.  If your scalp becomes itchy, there are shampoos and treatments that will help.  Your stylist will guide you.

TIP #4   PUCKER UP:   Heat from the house, bitter winds and below zero temperatures can cause dry cracked lips.  Use lip balm under your lipstick or on it's own.  Always keep them protected, especially when outdoors.  Personally I can't live with out my Aveda Lip Saver and the Lip Replenisher. Your significant other will also appreciate your soft, supple lips.  So pucker up, a smooch or two will help warm things up.  
TIP#5  EAT HEALTHIER:   Watch what you eat.  When we are trapped in the house for days on end, we tend to reach for the processed foods. For me it's the peanut M&M's.   Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.  You will feel less sluggish, have more energy and your body will thank you in the spring.

TIP#6 ADD A FEW HIGHLIGHTS:   Adding just a few highlights around your face will bring out your eyes and brighten up your appearance.  Skin tends to look pale and sallow during the winter.  A little bronzer or tinted moisturizer can go along way making you feel like a summer beauty again. 

TIP#7 SMILE:   It may sound simple, but a smile adds a glow to your face.  Watch a summer comedy, get out of the house when you can and spend time with those you love.  Check on an elderly neighbor, see if they need anything at the store, shovel for them, keep them company.  Beauty comes from within.  Nothing will make you feel more beautiful than caring for others! 


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